Beeline Moto - Unboxing a navigation legend
Navigation made simple and easy
When you're out riding your motorcycle, having your phone mounted to your handlebars can not only be distracting but a bit of an eye sore. Beeline Moto devices offer step-by-step navigation within a small minimalistic bodied device, perfect to pop onto your handlebars or mirror or stick on your tank.
These awesome little devices also offer a very simple compass mode, allowing you to travel in the right direction to your destination - but giving you the freedom to choose your route.
We've unboxed a Beeline Moto to help you get to grips with what you'll receive and demonstrate just how simplistic this device really is.
Scroll down for more information.
The Device Options
Triumph Branded version
Beeline Moto Silver
Beeline Moto Black
Beeline Moto Gun Metal